Corona guide for guests of the Fraunhofer WKI

  1. Guests visiting the Fraunhofer WKI must comply with the 3G rule to gain access to our properties. Without the proof, guests will not be granted access.
    • Guests are: All persons who are not members of the Fraunhofer WKI.Prior to the visit, guests are sent a health questionnaire. This must be completed and brought to the visit.
  2. Prior the visit, guests are sent a health questionnaire. This must be completed and brought with the visit.
  3. Proof of 3G status must be provided at time of visit.
    • Main campus: At the gatekeeper
    • Field offices (ZELUBA® and HOFZET®): At the staff member who invited and receives the guests.
    • Attention: We do not have electronic reading devices for digital Corona certificates. The proof must be brought in paper form.
  4. The current hygiene regulations apply (mask, distance, hand disinfection).