igital value chain for climate-friendly, multi-story timber construction based on pine using the Berlin/Brandenburg region as an example

Project start /

Houses made of wood are good for the climate and conserve finite resources such as concrete or steel. In particular, the construction of multi-story buildings and entire city quarters in timber construction offers great potential for achieving climate protection targets and strengthening the construction industry with a view to the future. By international standards, however, timber construction in Germany is still in its infancy. We want to change that. Together with project partners, we are investigating and optimizing the networking and cooperation of the players along the »urban timber construction« value chain, using the Berlin-Brandenburg region as an example. In this project, we at the Fraunhofer WKI are investigating the regionally available pine-wood product range in order to produce high-quality timber construction elements from it. The aim is to support metropolitan regions on their way to climate neutrality and to make the German construction industry fit for the future – based on renewable raw materials and closed, efficient resource cycles

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