Technology for Wood and Natural Fiber-Based Materials


Here you will find current publications resulting from the research work carried out by our department. All publications made by the Fraunhofer WKI in trade journals and conference proceedings (since 1980) are recorded in the database “Fraunhofer-Publica”. Furthermore, all articles from a particular year are listed in our Annual Report.

Current publications of our department

Publication Type
2024 Investigation of various hardwood and softwood fibres for the usage in wood-fibre insulation panels
Imken, Arne A.P.; Bächle, Lea; Brinker, Sascha; Kraft, Redelf; Plinke, Burkhard; Aderhold, Jochen; Meinlschmidt, Peter; Mai, Carsten
Journal Article
2023 Vergleich zwischen statischer und dynamischer Bildanalyse am Beispiel von Holzpartikeln
Plinke, Burkhard; Schirp, Arne
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2023 Sortieren mit innovativen Bildverarbeitungstechniken - Neue Wege im Altholz-Recycling
Aderhold, Jochen
Conference Paper
2023 NUKAFI - Holzwerkstoffe aus Fichtenkalamitätsholz in Abhängigkeit der Holzqualität
Meinlschmidt, Peter; Ueckermann, Carola
Conference Paper
2022 Detektion aktiver Schadinsekten mit visuellen und akustischen Verfahren
Plinke, Burkhard; Creemers, Jos; Noldt, Uwe
Conference Paper
2021 Development and processing of continuous flax and carbon fiber-reinforced thermoplastic composites by a modified material extrusion process
Kuschmitz, Sebastian; Schirp, Arne; Busse, Johannes; Watschke, Hagen; Schirp, Claudia; Vietor, Thomas
Journal Article
2021 TOF-SIMS molecular imaging and properties of pMDI-bonded particleboards made from cup-plant and wood
Klimek, Petr; Wimmer, Rupert; Meinlschmidt, Peter
Journal Article
2021 Geopolymer as a multifunctional mineral binder to produce laminated veneer lumber
Allahverdipoorazar, Farzaneh; Shalbafan, Ali; Berthold, Dirk
Journal Article
2021 Online pre-treatment of thermomechanical pulp with emulsified maleated polypropylene for processing of extruded thermoplastic composites
Schirp, Arne; Schirp, Claudia
Journal Article
2021 Characterisation of hardwood fibres used for wood fibre insulation boards (WFIB)
Imken, Arne A.P.; Plinke, Burkhard; Mai, Carsten
Journal Article
2021 Comparison of AE-apparatus for detection of activity of Old house borer larvae, including reality check
Creemers, Jos; Plinke, Burkhard; Noldt, Uwe
Conference Paper
2021 Innovative concepts for the usage of veneer-based hybrid materials in vehicle structures
Heyner, David Benjamin; Piazza, Giovanni; Beeh, Elmar; Seidel, Georg; Friedrich, Horst E.; Kohl, Daniel; Nguyen, Hoa; Burgold, Claudia; Berthold, Dirk
Journal Article
2021 Influence of compounding conditions, treatment of wood particles with fire‑retardants and artificial weathering on properties of wood‑polymer composites for façade applications
Schirp, Arne; Schwarz, Benjamin
Journal Article
2021 Durability of flame-retarded, co-extruded profiles based on high-density polyethylene and wheat straw residues
Schirp, Arne; Dannenberg, Jan
Journal Article
Diese Liste ist ein Auszug aus der Publikationsplattform Fraunhofer-Publica

This list has been generated from the publication platform Fraunhofer-Publica