The WKI | AKADEMIE® is the further education establishment of the Fraunhofer WKI. It offers focus courses and compact courses for employees of the woodworking and wood-processing industries as well as students of civil engineering. Furthermore, the portfolio also includes on-demand training addressing “Formaldehyde testing methods” and specific questions from industry.

Through the continuous further development of its courses and the balanced division into theoretical and practical units, the WKI | AKADEMIE® appeals to a wide range of participants and interested parties from the wood-based materials and prefabricated-house industries as well as from glulam and renovation companies. As a result, the WKI | AKADEMIE® provides a basis for professional and interdisciplinary exchange between all the participants.

Our training offers


Bonding in wooden construction

Focus courses with proof of successful participation in accordance with DIN 1052-10:

  • Specialist for bonding in wooden construction (3 days)
  • Specialist for repair of load-bearing timber components using adhesives (5 days)
    incl. »Specialist for bonding in wooden construction«

Quality control in the production of wood-based materials

The four-day focus course provides basic knowledge on the manufacture and application of wood-based materials.


Specialist for grading of solid wood according to DIN 4074

The one-day compact course imparts the essential theoretical and practical basics for the visual grading of sawn timber and is officially recognized by the accredited bodies in Germany. 

The course is offered on-demand.


Formaldehyde testing methods

The Fraunhofer WKI has a high level of expertise in the development of formaldehyde test methods. We pass on this know-how in demand-oriented training courses in which we provide specific answers to individual questions from industry.

The trainings are offered on-demand.

Our expertise

Since 1946, the Fraunhofer WKI has been advancing the material use of renewable raw materials in a wide variety of industries.

The offer of the WKI | AKADEMIE® is based on the extensive experience of the “Quality Testing and Assessment” department in the bonding, testing and certification of wood-based materials and other bio-materials as well as hybrid components.

Current course dates

  • Fraunhofer WKI / February 10, 2025 - February 14, 2025

    Focus courses on “Bonding in wooden construction”

    WKI | AKADEMIE - Schwerpunktkurs »Kleben im Holzbau«
    © Fraunhofer WKI

    Specialist for bonding in wooden construction (3 days)

    Specialist for repair of load-bearing timber components using adhesives (5 days)
    incl. “Specialist for bonding in wooden construction”

    Basic knowledge is imparted on the execution of bonding work for the manufacture or repair of load-bearing timber components. A written examination can be taken in both courses. This can be used to prove successful participation in accordance with DIN 1052-10.

    more info
  • Eberswalde University for Sustainable Developement / February 24, 2025 - February 28, 2025

    Focus course on “Bonding in wooden construction”

    WKI | AKADEMIE - Schwerpunktkurs »Kleben im Holzbau«
    © Fraunhofer WKI

    Specialist for repair of load-bearing timber components using adhesives (5 days)
    incl. “Specialist for bonding in wooden construction”

    Basic knowledge is imparted on the execution of bonding work for the manufacture or repair of load-bearing timber components. A written examination can be taken in both courses. This can be used to prove successful participation in accordance with DIN 1052-10.

    In addition, the course is recognized by the Brandenburgische Ingenieurkammer BBIK (Brandenburg Chamber of Engineers) as further training with 40 points.

    more info
  • Fraunhofer WKI / March 27, 2025, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.

    Compact course “Damage to load-bearing timber structures”

    The photo shows two aged wooden beams that have been joined on the end grain side. An approximately 50 mm large and 30 mm deep hole was drilled in the area of the joint.
    © Fraunhofer WKI | Malte Mérono

    Based on theoretical and practical training units, the compact course teaches the basics as well as how to recognize and deal with damage to load-bearing timber structures. A certificate of attendance is issued.

    more info

More offers


13th European Wood-based Panel Symposium

October 9 to 11, 2024



Fraunhofer Academy

The Fraunhofer Academy is the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft's specialist provider of continuing education and part-time training for people in employment.